In order to successfully implement this plan, and ensure the realization of its objectives, the school will inculcate values and cultures that will enhance excellence and outstanding character in achieving the mission and vision of the school through the following core values;

  • Inclusiveness, respect for diversity of ideas and peoples’ cultures.
  • Cohesiveness and team work
  • Accountability & transparency
  • Honesty, integrity and mutual respect.
  • Excellence in teaching
  • Creativity and innovativeness among its staff and students.
  • Fair competition amongst students.
  • Upholding the school’s ‘motto’ of striving to excel by focusing on the individual student.


  • To provide quality education resources to enable every student achieve above C+ grade
  • To reinforce and improve students safety and well being
  • To develop and promote positive behaviors and attitudes
  • To provide student centered stimulating learning environment
  • To improve transition process and student retention
  • To nurture students’ spiritual growth
  • To avail and manage quality facilities and infrastructure for effective learning
  • Guarantee the school’s growth through sound management and public accountability
  • To be self sufficient in provision of vegetables, milk, fruits among others
  • To promote and sustain a focused management team for realization of the set out objectives.
  • To partner with other well performing schools as a means of improvement of  school performance
  • To follow proper tender and   procurement rules as required by the government
  • To develop a good working relationship between teachers, students and non-teaching staff through sports and welfare.