The office of the senior teacher is one of the senior most offices in the school’s administrative hierar- chy. It operates under the supervision of the school’s principal and it performs the following duties; Supervision of curriculum implementation and good desirable teaching practices by the teachers. Ensuring that teachers adhere to the TSC’s code of conduct in their day to day professional programs. These include good time management in lesson attendance and in other school crucial activities such as assembly and school planning meetings.
The office also ensures that co-curricular activities are given the necessary attention it deserves as outdoor and indoor activities sharpen the learners’ minds and nurture discipline and talents of individual learners.
The department also advises the school adminis- tration on the infrastructural needs, such as quality and conducive learning and teaching environments. The senior teacher also works in consultation with the support staff in their general duties at their work places.
The senior teacher also ushers in visitors and gives them direction and guidance whenever they visit the school. It also handles student’s general cases as directed by the principal. At times, in the absence of both the principal and the deputies, the senior master can be appointed to act in their capacities until the officers resume duties. This is always done when the two have official commit- ments that may not be avoided.
The senior master also advices the students on the importance of serious commitments to learning which at the end yield good results.
In conclusion, I would like to thank the adminis- tration for supporting the office of the senior teacher. I commend the administration for the teamwork that has seen our school rising to greater heights. Also, I would thank them for the support given to the vulnerable in the society.
Long live Moi Kapsowar.
Mr. Paul Salim Rotich
Mzee wa Kazi (Babu)